New Services
We are excited to announce new service offerings at Kingston Orthopaedic Pain Institute (KOPI)
Ketamine for Mood Disorder and Chronic Pain
OHIP Uninsured Service
With the addition of Psychiatrist Dr. Jennifer Pikard to our team, we will be able to offer the South East Ontario region a safe option for Intravenous Ketamine Infusions.
There is Level 1 evidence for efficacy of single-infusion IV ketamine as an antidepressant, and Level 3 evidence for repeated infusions as per CANMAT protocol.
In both cases, a thorough assessment by the respective Pain Physician or Psychiatrist team will be performed.
Referral forms, including inclusion/exclusion criteria will be on our website soon.

Electrodiagnostic Evaluation ("EMG studies")
Insured Service
KOPI has a growing number of Physiatrists (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physicians) who will be able to perform EMG studies. The South East Ontario Region is severely underserved with this special service, and we are very proud to be able to offer this specialized diagnostic consultation.
The focus of these referrals would be for peripheral nerve localization rather than query motor neurone disease (ie ALS) or myopathies, ir ?Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, ?Ulnar Neuropathy at the elbow, ?Radiculopathy (Acute or Chronic), ?Drop Foot, ?Impingement of XXX Nerve.

Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS) Implantation
Uninsured Service
The Health Canada approved StimRouter PNS neuromodulation system is now available for minimally invasive implantation at KOPI. This new exciting development in chronic peripheral neuropathic pain treatment can be extremely effective and life changing for patients who are suffering from a variety or pain syndromes. It is similar to a spinal cord stimulator in mechanism of action but placed peripherally after an in-depth careful workup and assessment by our expert team.
This has been covered by WSIB and MVA insurance plans.
More information can be found at https://stimrouter.com/physicians/

Cryoneurolysis for Chronic Osteoarthritic Joints
Uninsured Service
The Health Canada approved Iovera Cryoneurolysis system is now available at KOPI for minimally invasive treatment of primarily chronic osteoarthritic knee pain (pre or port TKA), but has other applications as well for chronic knee pain, SI join pain, other locations, and Botox resistant spasticity in non-functioning limbs.
This can help keep patients pain free if they are awaiting their knee replacement, maintaining/improving their conditioning so that their post surgery rehabilitation is maximized, and pain is minimized. It can also be used to stop acute (post surgical) pain post replacement, while avoiding the need for pain medications.
Patients are carefully selected to ensure the maximum chances of success of this treatment.
This has been covered by WSIB.
On the referral, please put IOVERA clearly on it, as well as for Dr. Thomas Gregory.